ELAN’s 2016 Year in Review

This year over 600 ELAN members and friends attended 7 Schmoozers, 4 workshops, 3 consultations and 1 panel discussion. More than 5,000 people attended Arts Alive! Québec festivities in 6 different communities.

Here is our 2016 year in review:


We kicked off the year with the very popular CBC Getting Media Attention Workshop, FREE for ELAN members.


Our Board met with Simon Brault of Canada Council for the Arts, bringing your questions and concerns to the federal funding body. Read the results.


March marked the release of the results of our Performing Arts Market Access Strategy report, which surveyed 110 performers, arts producers, managers and agents. We also held a hands-on Grant Writing Workshop for ELAN and arts community members. Check out our grant writing resources.


A follow-up to our successful 2015 edition, our Arts Market Access Project brought four curators from New York City to tour 16 Quebec artists’ studios and hosted a panel discussion for 90 attendees.


We held a public consultation about Quebec’s Cultural Policy, soliciting your feedback to help make positive policy changes. Read the brief.


We started the month with the Arts, Community, Education (ACE) Jam, bringing together 50 experts to brainstorm ideas for concrete pilot projects that would unite communities, artists, and educators. The fun continued with our St. Ambroise Fringe Festival Schmoozer.


Arts Alive! Québec kicked off with festivities in Quebec City at the Morin Centre.


Arts Alive! Québec continued in Knowlton & Huntingdon and we held a Schmoozer in Hudson. ELAN’s AGM + Schmoozer was attended by 80 people at the end of the month.


We launched our new visual identity & website thanks to Studio Monument and Commun-IT. We held yet another Schmoozer with the QDF Calendar Launch to celebrate, and Arts Alive! Québec festivities continued in Hudson, Wakefield + the West Island.


CALQ Information Session 2016

Our Information Session with CALQ quickly filled up, and over 80 attendees had their granting questions answered by Program Officer Laurent Rozencwajg. Not to mention another CBC Getting Media Attention Workshop and a Grant Writing Workshop.


November was the month of briefs and consultations. We attended the CRTC Official Language Minority Consultation at the beginning of the month, held a public consultation on Canadian Content in a Ditigal Worldpartnered on an information session and consultation with the NFB and submitted briefs for the Department of Canadian Heritage’s quinquennial review of Official Language programs.

Thankfully we had some fun too, co-hosting the first NDG Schmoozer/First Thursday with Notre-Dame-des-Arts.


We held the 3rd edition of the McGill Music Mixer with partners the McGill Career and Planning Service and the Schulich School of Music Booking and Ensemble Offices.

We also accompanied the Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN) to Ottawa for a consultation with senior officials from Canadian Heritage including. Mélanie Joly  (Minister of Heritage) and Randy Boissonnault, (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage).