ACE (Arts, Community, Education) Initiative Update

Back in June, more than 50 artists and educators gathered together to imagine projects that would incorporate art and education in new ways, ensuring that more schools and communities could access the benefits of arts and culture in the English language. This was the first phase of ELAN’s Arts, Community, Education (ACE) Initiative, funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage’s Strategic Program.

In November, the ACE Initiative entered its second phase, choosing five partners with unique pilot projects. These projects are being implemented as we speak, including programs to connect seniors and students, to support Indigenous reconciliation and to create access to art in suburban, rural and remote areas (as far as the North shore!).

On January 25, ELAN made a presentation about the ACE Initiative at the annual LEARN conference, encouraging educators from around Quebec to explore the benefits of combining arts and education. We connected with new allies and advocates along the way.

We’ll be following the progress of each project, talking to the project coordinators and posting information and documents on our website and social media as each one takes shape.

If you’d like to be the first to receive ACE updates, send an email to with ACE in the subject line.