Submit to the Culture-Éducation directory

The Ministère de la Culture, et des Communications (MCC) invites artists interested in presenting activities in schools to apply to the Répertoire de ressources culture-éducation directory.

This biannual call, open until JANUARY 27, 2017, provides an opportunity to enrich the array of cultural activities available to schools.

The directory, available on the MCC website, includes 1,800+ artists, writers, and cultural organizations—making it an indispensable resource for teachers, school governing boards, artists, and cultural organizations alike.

It is associated with the Culture in the Schools program, where students in every region of Québec are invited to take part in creativeactivities led by professional artists and writers.


Culture in the Schools program information

ELAN’S Application Guide
*This guide was produced in 2013. Please consult the program officer for the most up to date information*

FAQ (FR Only)