ARTSCAST Update: Post Pandemic Action Research, Issues and Ways Forward

Post Pandemic Action Survey and finding ways forward

The good news is that many performance venues in Quebec are opening to full capacity. The sad news is that some venues and Arts Producers will not survive the upheaval caused by COVID 19. There are still questions and concerns about how we move forward through and after this tumultuous period.

Arts producers are adapting to the changes in restrictions so that health and safety measures are rigorously maintained. They are implementing solutions that improve access options as well as offering performances for digital consumption.

Beginning in November, as part of the continuing conversation with English Language Arts Producers via our “Post Pandemic Action Survey,”  ARTSCAST will begin organizing results collected. The report is being funded by ISED (Innovation Science and Economic Development, Canada). If you have not been contacted to be part of the survey, ARTSCAST is reaching out to ELAN’s network of arts producers across disciplines. You can also send and email to to express your interest in participating.

Click here to learn more about ARTSCAST & ELAN’s ARTS2U project