Calls for Submission November 2016


  • Black Theatre Workshop is now accepting submissions for the Gloria Mitchell-Aleong Award for an emerging professional Black artist between the ages of 20-35. Submit before NOVEMBER 27.
  • Articule is launching a call for proposals and invites artists, artists’ collectives and curators interested in establishing a dialogue with contemporary art to submit an exhibition or research project for 2017-2018 or 2018-2019. Apply by NOVEMBER 21.


  • Festival Accès Asie is having a video competition! Emerging artists are invited to create a promotional video for the festival. The winner will be offered a contract to create a series of videos for the 2017 edition. Apply by NOVEMBER 30.


  • Repercussion Theatre and Playwrights’ Workshop Montréal are looking to commission a brand-new Canadian play exploring the connection between Shakespeare and Montréal/Canada. Submit by DECEMBER 1.


  • The Quebec Writers’ Federation is seeking writing mentors and mentees to help promising emerging writers make the transition to the next stage of their careers. Apply by NOVEMBER 21.
  • Vallum Mag is accepting poetry, essay, interview, review and audio/video poetry submissions. Submit by NOVEMBER 20.
  • Disquiet is currently accepting contest submissions for The Disquiet Literary Prize for writing in any genre. The top winners in each genre will be published in Guernica (fiction), (nonfiction) and The Common (poetry). Apply by JANUARY 31, 2017.