Director’s Message: August 2017

We are halfway through summer and at the mid-point of Arts Alive! Québec 2017.  Festivities at Knowlton and Quebec City were not dampened by the ubiquitous rain of June, and the sun shone on Hudson for their lively July weekend. If you missed the first three festivals, check out some photos here. Coming up next is Huntingdon on August 19, followed by Wakefield and Pointe-Claire in September. Plan a day trip! All programming and activity details are listed on the Arts Alive! website.

For ELAN members and friends in Montreal we have the August 8 Schmoozer at the St-Ambroise Terrasse, where some of ELAN’s first Schmoozers were held back when we had our office at the Lachine Canal Complexe. We’ve organized a bike convoy from Lionel-Groulx metro and a shuttle car service from St-Henri metro. See below to RSVP.

The most important ELAN event of the year is our Annual General Meeting. This year’s edition will take place on Tuesday, August 29 at Le Gesù (1200 Bleury, Montreal). Board members for 2017-18 will be confirmed, project managers will bring you up to speed on ELAN’s accomplishments, and staff will be on hand to answer your questions. Plus, we have some very important motions (link to documents on ELAN site) that need your voice—and your vote! After the business meeting, we will have a party to celebrate the best year in ELAN’s history. I hope to see you there.

Guy Rodgers
Executive Director